The 8-member presidency (chairman + 7 members) is elected by secret ballot for three years. Between the General Meetings held annually - no later than 31 May - the Bureau will lead the Road Association. The Bureau shall elect the heads of committees. The current management was elected in May 2013.
The Bureau shall hold at least one meeting per quarter. It sets a work program for each year. The program for 2013 will soon be available in a separate document.
Ethics Committee
Its task is to settle disputes between members.
Skill Testing Commission
During 2011, the Commission will develop a Laboratory Testing System.
Dr. Karsainé Lukács Katalin
KTI Nonprofit Kft.
Vinczéné Görgényi Ágnes
COLAS Hungária Zrt.
Technical Regulatory Committee
The Technical Regulatory Committee deals with two main areas:
A. / Continuously monitors the standards and technical specifications of the road in the field. They are evaluated in a way that the procedures in them require the Laboratories to undertake the necessary tools and procedures. If the implementation of the test standard that comes with the new year does not require a new device, it will ask the MSZT to confirm this. The application of such standards to accredited laboratories can be added to their technical area without area expansion.
B. Organizes voluntary round audits for different test methods of the industry to determine the reliability and comparability of the procedures.
The above activities are carried out by four working committees. See the list of these separately.
Education Committee
Its task is to organize professional training. In general, one-day training is not limited to members of the ÚLLAB association.
dr. Kálmán Ambrus
Committee leader
BME Road and Railway Construction Tsz.
András Lukács
Colas Hungária Kft.